8 Stages of Working with a Professional Copywriter

Every copywriter is different. 

We offer different services and have our own approach to working with clients.

If you’re unsure what is involved in working with a copywriter...

And that copywriter is yours truly...

(You clicked on this blog, so you must be interested, right?!)

Then this is the blog you’ve been waiting for! 

I’ve put together a step-by-step guide, from the initial meeting to delivering the final copy, on how I work with clients on website copywriting projects. 

Read on to get clued up on the eight key stages of working together on a website copywriting project.


  1. The Initial Meeting

Finding the right copywriter isn’t simply about a skills and experience fit: in my opinion, personality is just as important. 

That's why I kick offl any potential project with a short discovery call, where we grab a virtual cuppa and have a good chat about your business and your copy needs. 

This is a no-obligation call – a quick twenty minutes to learn more about one another and get clear on what you’re looking for. From here, we can both decide if we’re a good fit to work together.

If you’re interested in booking in a chat, have a gander at my Calendly

  1. The Quote

Once we’ve established the copy you need for your business, I’ll send you a quote based on the work required with a clear timeline, next steps, and payment terms. 

It’s important to have an idea of the budget you’re working with when collaborating with a copywriter - and to have realistic expectations for how much your project will cost. Copywriting isn’t just about putting words on a page. There’s a lot of research and editing involved behind the scenes.

If you decide to go ahead, you will either pay a deposit or the full amount upfront. Then, we get to the fun part!


  1. The Business Deep Dive Call

At this point, it’s time for a more in-depth chat. A 45-minute Business Deep Dive call is included with all of my website copywriting projects, and it’s a chance for me to get to know your business inside out.

We’ll discuss:

·        Your business story

·        Your vision for the future

·        Your target audience and USPs

·        Your competition – and what makes you different

·        What you want people to say about your business

This call is a great opportunity for you to look at your business from a new perspective.

I prefer not to send my questions in advance: by asking them on the call, you answer them off the cuff, which leads to far more interesting insights and lightbulb moments for us both.

The more I hear you talk about your business in your own words, the more I can write customer-centred copy that reflects who you are and the value you have to offer.


  1. The Research

As well as talking to you directly about your business, I will go off and do their A LOT of research to gain a deeper understanding of the wider industry and market you’re working in. 

I will also request any existing documentation at this stage, such as your brand guidelines, to make sure that your copy is consistent. 

This includes:

  • A major dive into your social media, reviews, and any other communication channels
  • Your competitors and wider industry
  • Your audience

And much more.

This helps us to understand who your clients are and what they’re looking for – and most importantly, what you can offer them that no one else can.


  1. The Brief

For from-scratch website copy projects, I will send you a detailed project brief ahead of the first draft. 

The project brief will go over the tone of the copy and how each page will be structured. I’ll leave comments throughout the document to add context, reference points from our conversations, or suggestions based on my research.  I’ll also highlight any final information I need from you. 

Providing this brief in advance gives you the chance to ask any questions you have, and we can make any necessary adjustments before I start writing. Having our visions for the copy aligned from the very beginning helps to massively reduce the editing process down the line.

  1. The First Draft

Once I’ve gathered together all of the information from our conversations and wider research, I’ll write the first draft of your website copy. 

The length of time this takes depends on the size of the project. As a general rule, a three page website will take me one week to complete.

As well as the actual copy, I’ll include additional notes to explain how I’ve worded things, the Call-to-Actions (CTAs) I’ve chosen to use, and will highlight suggestions for your website designer to improve the flow of information for the user. 

I always send over one page before the rest of the batch - we will agree which one when I send over the brief for the whole website. This way, I can get your feedback as quickly as possible to make sure we’re on the right track for the rest of the copy.

  1. The Edits

Two rounds of edits are guaranteed any time you work with me, so there are plenty of opportunities to make any adjustments to the wording and tone of your copy before the final draft is delivered. 

Clear and specific feedback is crucial for our copywriting journey, so your role in the copywriting process is critical at this stage. 

You need to give yourself enough time to go through the first draft in detail to make sure that the message and tone reflect you and your customers. 

If multiple people are looking over the first draft, I always ask that you consolidate their feedback so that it’s not coming through in dribs and drabs. This way, the editing process is smoother for everyone.

The sooner you send me your feedback, the more efficiently we can keep the project moving forward.

Things happen, so I’m always understanding if it takes you a while to send over your feedback. However, you also need to keep in mind that any delays at the editing stage will ultimately impact when I can deliver the final draft. 


  1. The Delivery

Once you’re delighted with every page, I’ll send over the final draft and an invoice for any remaining payment, if applicable. 

Now all that’s left to do is get the copy on your website, and start sharing it far and wide to attract more of your dream customers to your business!

I hope that sharing my process has helped you understand what exactly happens when you work with a professional copywriter. 

Knowing what to expect before you get started will make the journey smoother for everyone so that we can focus on what matters most: nailing your website copy!

Ready to get started? Book a discovery call, and find out how we can collaborate to communicate your message with confidence and clarity.